Collected Resources and EL Event Recordings

ELNet has been around for quite some time, and we’ve collected resources from some of our past events. On this page are are links to different resources that we’ve accumulated over the years. We’ve collected these in two different groups:

  • Resources hosted by ELNet, on our own website.
  • Resources hosted by other individuals, elsewhere.

This particularly includes posts from past events with recordings of some of our events. However, while we’ve done our best to try to make sure that other content is still working, it may no long be available.

Do you have a resource to share? Is something not working quite right? Let us know by contacting us!

ELNet Collected Resources

Tenure and Promotion Resources

ELNet routinely organizes information sessions and other event events to help faculty members navigate the tenure and promotion process. This page has selected resources about UBC’s process for tenure and promotion that we have collected. Most of these are volunteered or recommended by other educational leadership faculty.

Have something you’d like to share? We’re always looking for my resources – especially dossiers or dossier tables of contents. Contact us, if you’d like to share!

  • EL CV and Dossier Guidelines: originally curated by Catherine Rawn, this document was created primarily as a resource for UBC Educational Leadership (EL) faculty members to assist them as they create and develop their CV and Teaching Dossier. The intention is to offer suggestions for good practice and to record questions to be addressed, and resources to develop, that will support EL faculty members in their career advancement.
  • UBC CTLT Educational Leadership Outline: this page outlines educational leadership, as it is practiced at UBC, and provides a framework for thinking about your own practice, and how you can make your case for tenure or promotion. It also includes several useful tools, including an EL Mapping tool, which you can find on the website.
  • UBC CTLT Teaching and EL Portfolio: this page collects teach portfolios and EL dossiers for a variety of faculty members. It’s a useful resource to get some ideas about what your dossier could look like.
  • Example Dossier TOC from the CTLT (2023): this is an updated list of example table of contents from recent promotion cases, collected by the CTLT at UBC-V.
  • Educational Leadership Dossier Self-Assessment Tool: this is a checklist-style tool to help faculty members evaluate their dossier. It focuses on making sure required or recommended parts of the dossier are present and clearly presented to faculty or university-level committees.
  • UBC Pharmaceutical Sciences P&T Presentation: this is a short presentation from Pharmacy which covers educational leadership dossier and communication strategies.

Report on Educational Leadership at 10 Years

This report summarizes the impact and future of the EL stream at UBC after 10 year. Conducted by the Vice-Provost, Teaching and learning. The full report can be found here.

Report on Inclusive Excellence in Educational Leadership at UBC (2021)

This document reports on a survey led by Karen Ragoonaden (UBC-O). The goal of the survey was to gain a greater understanding of roles and responsibilities of faculty in EL positions at UBC, to identify systemic supports and systemic barriers impacting their career progression, and to study the their self-identification. This report details the results of the survey and provides recommendations and actions to support the professional and academic experiences of EL faculty.

Other Resources

Cengage All Access

Cengage is a major textbook and teaching resources publisher, and they have created an “All Access” program for faculty. This is a online platform for finding resources, teaching ideas, professional development, discussing challenges, and connecting with others in your discipline.  They do this through mini “challenges” that you can choose from, and you earn points for prizes as well!  Fun, engaging and helpful.


This takes you to a landing page that explains what All Access is. At the bottom of the page there are instructions for how to join; you will need a Cengage account, but there’s no cost associated with taking part.

Past Events with Resources and Recordings

  • Panel discussion on peer review of teaching

    December 2016 This panel discussion aimed to help participants be more informed and proactive throughout their own peer review of teaching (PRT) process by clarifying procedures around PRT, as well as showcasing best practices, support and existing models at UBC. Mark Schaller (SAC) discussed the…

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