
The Educational Leadership network organizes and hosts a while range of different events for its members. We strive to create an inclusive, supportive environment in which you can interact with other faculty in similar positions across the university, and create strong collaborative bonds. Examples in the past have included:

  • Research dissemination and sharing, especially SoTL
  • Social gatherings and mingling opportunities
  • Professional development and training
  • Workshops on tenure and promotion
  • Panel discussions and expert lectures

We are always looking for new great ideas. If you have an idea, or want to host an event, contact us.

Upcoming and Past Events

You can find a listing of all our past events below.

  • SoTL Events in February

    The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education is holding two SoTL events in February: You can see a poster for both events below:

  • EL: Make it Count (Promotion and Tenure Workshop 2024)

    ELNet is organizing a promotion and tenure event for educational leadership faculty at UBC-V and UBC-O. This event is intended to help educational leadership stream faculty gain insight into the process of career progression, including developing a thorough and concise dossier for promotion purposes. This event is an annual offering. Missed the event? See the…

  • New Community of Practice: Leveraging Digital Assessment Techniques

    The Centre for Teaching and Learning at UBC-Okanagan has been setting up online Communities of Practices (CoP) to encourage instructors to get together and share ideas. A new community of practice on digital assessment is set to start on Jan. 18 and everyone is welcome to attend and participate. Feel free to attend in-person or…