Have an interesting professional development opportunity you would like to share with others? Put it in a comment, below!
Educational Leadership Network
Our group offers professional development events and workshops fairly regularly. Please see our events pages for upcoming and past events.
The Educational Leadership Network has a mentoring program! We pair up experienced and new Educational leadership faculty into teams. This can help with promotion or tenure, depending on your career stage. You can find more information on our mentoring page.
UBC opportunities
Teaching and Learning Workshops (UBC-V and UBC-O)
The Centres for Teaching and Learning at both campuses run a variety of workshops each year.
You can see upcoming workshops and events at UBC-O through the CTL newsletter and events listings, both accessible here: http://ctl.ok.ubc.ca/
For UBC-V, there are quite a few CTLT events listed under their Events page, so it might be easier to do one or both of the following:
- Register for the UBC-V CTLT events newsletter (once a month): see here to subscribe (also a link on the Events page linked above)
- Go to the “Faculty Programs” page of the UBC-V CTLT site to focus in on specific areas you’re interested in
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
Did you know that UBC has an Institute for SoTL, ISoTL? See here: http://isotl.ctlt.ubc.ca/
Among the resources offered by UBC ISoTL are:
- A SoTL Community of Practice (UBC-V)
- A grant fund called the SoTL Seed Fund (UBC-V and UBC-O both eligible)
- A tool called the SoTL Explorer that helps visualize the SoTL projects going on at UBC
Certificate Program: The Scholarship of Educational Leadership (UBC-V)
The Faculty of Education at UBC-V offers an 8-month long certificate program in the Scholarship of Educational Leadership, which several faculty in the educational leadership stream have participated in. Applications are accepted each year around April. Most participants are nominated by their UBC Faculty, who pays the fees for the program. See here for more information: http://international.educ.ubc.ca/soel/
CTLT Associates (UBC-V)
UBC-V’s Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology has started a new program called CTLT Faculty Associates, that allows faculty to work with CTLT staff and together with other faculty in a cohort to develop and carry out a project of value to a department or program. Please see here for more information: http://ctlt.ubc.ca/programs/faculty-programs/ctlt-faculty-associates/
Extended workshops at UBC-V CTLT
The UBC-V Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology has a number of extended workshops in addition to the shorter ones offered throughout the year.
- Instructional Skills Workshops (3 days)
- From the above website: “In a supportive atmosphere, you will have a chance to try new teaching approaches and to sharpen existing skills. During the workshop, you will design and conduct three “mini-lessons” and receive verbal, written, and video feedback from your peers. In addition, you will reflect on your own teaching practices.”
- Course Design Intensive (3 days)
- From the above website: “An intensive three days in a supportive atmosphere, working both individually and collaboratively, to design or re-design a course that you teach or are planning to teach.”
- Teaching in a Blended Learning Environment (several weeks)
- From the above website: ” immersive blended course aimed at instructors who are already teaching in the classroom and are considering moving to a blended environment. Participants will have an orientation to blended learning, an opportunity to redesign a module from a current course, and a chance to collaborate with others and gain authentic experience with the blended learning environment.”
Scholars at Risk Network
SCHOLARS AT RISK (SAR) is an international network of over 500 higher education institutions and thousands of individuals in 39 countries that is leading the charge in protecting and offering sanctuary to threatened scholars and students. SAR’s mission is to protect higher education communities and their members from violent and coercive attacks, and by doing so to expand the space in society for reason and evidence-based approaches to resolving conflicts and solving problems. SAR meets this mission through direct protection of individuals, advocacy aimed at preventing attacks and increasing accountability, and research and learning initiatives that promote academic freedom and related values.
SAR_Volunteer Proofreader Initiative Flyer
Journals & Conferences
This page from York University has some of the more popular Canadian and international conferences on teaching and learning.
The following are directories of teaching journals and conferences maintained by Thomas Pusateri at Kennesaw State University in the U.S. You can search by city, country, and topic. If there is a journal or conference you would like to add to them, you can contact Thomas to have him update the site.
Teaching journals directory: http://cetl.kennesaw.edu/teaching-journals-directory
Teaching conferences directory: http://cetl.kennesaw.edu/teaching-conferences-directory