September 2023 Newsletter
Dear Educational Leadership stream faculty, We hope you enjoyed the summer and are feeling enthusiastic about the beginning of the fall term! In this update, we are excited to share our new, improved, updated ELNet website, as well as other information about ELNet, what it can do for you, resources, newsletters, events and more. 1. […]
May 2023 Newsletter
Dear Educational Leadership stream faculty! Welcome to the May 2023 newsletter. We hope you are enjoying the beginning of the summer! In this update, 1. ELNET Announcements Message from ELNET Chair As we reflect on the 2022-23 academic year and look ahead to 2023-24 (including our summer terms!), I am struck by the collegiality of […]
April 2022 Newsletter
Quote: To teach in a manner that respects and cares for the souls of our students is essential if we are to provide the necessary conditions where learning can most deeply and intimately begin. Bell Hooks Dear Educational Leadership stream faculty, In This Update: 1. ELNET Announcements ELNET Mentorship Program Reminder ELNET facilitates mentorship for […]
January 2022 Newsletter
Quote: Education creates the voice through which human rights can be claimed and protected. Universal Declaration of Human Rights Dear Educational Leadership stream faculty, In This Update: ELNET Announcements Call for a Co-Chair ELNET is calling for a co-chair from either campus. This is a great opportunity to build connections across both campuses and to […]
November 2021 Newsletter
Dear Educational Leadership stream faculty, In This Update: ELNET Announcements ELNET Promotion & Tenure workshop January 27, 2022 @12:00-1:30pm This event is intended to help educational leadership stream faculty gain insight into the process of career progression, including developing a thorough and concise dossier for promotion purposes. This event is an annual offering. Panel Presenters: […]
June 2021 Newsletter
Quote: So often you find that the students you’re trying to inspire are the ones that end up inspiring you. — Sean Junkins Dear Educational Leadership stream faculty, In This Update: ELNET Announcements ELNET Call for Team Members 2020/21 As many of you know, there is a group at UBC-V and UBC-O called the “Educational […]