“Education is a vocation rooted in hopefulness.
As teachers we believe that learning is possible,
that nothing can keep an open mind from seeking after
knowledge and finding a way to know.
– bell hooks –
Dear Educational Leadership faculty,
This September edition of the newsletter includes information about EL mentoring, professional learning, and funding opportunities. You can find past newsletters elsewhere on this website.
- ELNet Announcements
• Message from ELNet Chair
• Sign up for an EL Mentor - PD Resources and Opportunities
• CTLT Workshops (UBC-V)
• Communities of Practice (UBC-O)
• Impact Series (recorded archive) - SoTL
• Funding Opportunities and Workshops
1. ELNet Announcements
Message from the ELNet Chair
Happy Fall! This is always such an exciting time of year when the campuses are full and lively with the anticipation of the new academic year. I hope you are coming into this time feeling somewhat refreshed and enthusiastic about diving into new teaching and educational leadership adventures. Please skim through this newsletter to find resources and opportunities that catch your eye, to support you in your leadership adventures. The Educational Leadership Professorial stream has now been at UBC for over a dozen years. A recent research project completed about our collective experiences in EL will help shape our actions and priorities over this next year, and years to come. We look forward to hearing the upcoming report. ELNET is committed to facilitating the flourishing of our ELers!!
Finally, ELNet is looking for new executive team members and mentors. Please reach out to me if you are interested.
Sally Willis-Stewart
Sign up for an EL Mentor
The ELNET Mentoring Program pairs interested EL faculty with a more established mentor for EL-specific support and connection. The opportunity to be paired with a mentor is available anytime during the academic year and at any career stage.
The start of a new year is a great time to seek mentorship as you set educational leadership and development goals for the months ahead and/or if you are heading for reappointment, promotion, and/or tenure in the next year or two. Please visit the link below for more details of our mentoring program and how to get connected:
2. PD Resources and Opportunities
CTLT Workshops (UBC-V)
Celebrate SoTL Event
October 10 | 9:15am–1:30pm | In-person | UBC-V
Celebrate SoTL is an opportunity for UBC SoTL practitioners to share their stories from practice, engage in dialogue around teaching and learning topics, and network with colleagues across disciplines. Join us for lunch afterwards. Register.
9:15 am–10:45 am | Panel: SoTL as Educational Leadership in Promotion and Tenure
11:00 am–12:30 pm | Lightning Talks: Showcase your SoTL Work
12:30 pm–1:30 pm | Lunch
Tools for Designing Interactive Courses: H5P
October 16 | 11:00 am–12:00 pm | In-person | UBC-V
Preview commonly used H5P content types and learn how to develop different ones for your courses. Register.
Students as Partners (SaP) Forum
November 13 | 12:30 pm–4:30 pm | In-person | UBC-V
Hear about projects funded by UBC’s former Students as Partners in Course Design Grant and engage in discussion on curated topics with interest to partnership. Register.
Communities of Practice (UBC-O)
Colleagues at the Okanagan campus have organized six Communities of Practice on the following topics. Find more information and future meeting dates here.
- Access, inclusion, and place-based teaching
- A community of contract faculty
- Innovative teaching techniques and tools
- Teaching and educational leadership
- Wellbeing in teaching and learning
- Work-integrated learning
Impact Series
Recorded session archive
Last academic year, the Faculty of Science at UBC-O hosted the Impact Series, comprised of monthly speakers offering strategies for EL faculty members to document impact in their professional narrative. Materials from past speakers are provided here, but password protected.
Please note that these files have been generously shared by other EL faculty members. These files are password-protected to prevent web crawlers from accessing them. Contact the ELNet team for access.
3. SoTL
Funding Support for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Click here for the latest information about SOTL-related research funding. If you have an idea for an event focused
on student/colleague wellbeing, Thrive grant proposals are due Oct 7.
Regarding SOTL dissemination funding, click here.
Upcoming SOTL Workshops
Introduction to SoTL
September 24 | 1:30 pm–3:00 pm | Online
This session breaks down the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) and explains how to start a journey of becoming a SoTL practitioner. Register.
Best Practices in Focus Groups and Interviews
October 23 | 2:00 pm–3:30 pm | Online
This workshop discusses when to use focus groups or interviews as evaluation methods and shares best practices for how to integrate them into your SoTL projects. Register.
Best Practices in Survey Design
November 14 | 10:00 am–11:30 am | Online
Gain an understanding of when surveys serve as an appropriate evaluation tool and explore the most common questions used in teaching and learning projects. Register.
Best wishes and don’t hesitate to be in touch if you have content to
share in future newsletters,
Kathryn Accurso on behalf of the UBC
Educational Leadership Network Executive Team (ELNet)