Coming Event! Celebrating innovation in teaching: Applying scholarship to improve practice
Are you designing a new course? Ready to redesign an existing course? Why not use the scholarship of teaching and learning to inform your design process? Hear our panelists share the different ways they have applied scholarship in their courses, ranging from the broad course design level (Dr. Rawn), to using a flipped classroom model […]
Event: Eric Mazur on “The Tyranny of the Lecture”
UBC’s Institute for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning present Eric Mazur, Harvard Physicist and Educator, who will be speaking about “The Tyranny of the Lecture.” Note the option to watch the live stream! Date: June 7 2013
Flexible Learning event
Simon Bates has invited you to participate in a session titled ‘What Flexible Learning Looks Like’ on Wednesday, May 8, from 10:30-12:30 in the Earth Sciences Building (2207 Main Mall) in Room 1012 (you can find more information and register here Faculty and students will share examples of work being done in the area of Flexible Learning across […]
Upcoming ISWs at CTLT
Hello Instructors! In case you are interested (or know a colleague who could benefit), there’s an Instructional Skills Workshop coming up April 9, 10, and 11. For more details and to register for the April ISW, please click here: ISWs are also offered in May, July, August and December. More info is available here:
Upcoming CTLT Event of Special Interest to Instructors: 3M National Teaching Fellowship Meeting
3M National Teaching Fellowship Meeting On behalf of Carol-Ann Courneya, UBC 3M Council Chair and Simon Bates, CTLT Academic Director, we would like to invite you to the 3M National Teaching Fellowship: Information and Q&A Sesion. Please find the details of an upcoming event here: 3M National Teaching Fellowship April Meeting. The purpose is to provide information and support […]
Upcoming Event: What does “Educational Leadership” mean at UBC? Insights from Dr. Simon Bates
What does Educational Leadership mean? What about Teaching Excellence? Innovation in Teaching? These terms are increasingly part of the teaching landscape at UBC, but what do they mean in the context of our careers? Come and hear Dr. Simon Bates, Professor of Teaching, Senior Advisor on Teaching and Learning, and Academic Director of CTLT speak […]
Enriched Educational Experiences (E3s) – What are they and how can you implement them?
We hope your year has kicked off brilliantly. Come to Angus Room 241, on Thursday November 1 from 2-3:30pm… and be inspired! Join us to hear an interdisciplinary panel discuss their experiences designing and implementing Enriched Educational Experiences at UBC. Here are the panelists: Dr. Janet Giltrow, Senior Associate Dean Students, Faculty of Arts – an overview […]
Come celebrate the end of the year!
Please join us for a friendly and informal celebration of the end of year. Bring a story – perhaps a success or a teaching tip — to share as you (re)connect with our fellow Instructors and Senior Instructors. Tuesday May 22 in the Buchanan Penthouse, 4:30-6pm Appetizers will be sponsored by the Faculty of Arts. To help […]
UBC Faculty Certificate Program in SoTL
I just finished the UBC Faculty Certificate Program in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. It’s a year-long workshop in which participants meet monthly and do a number of things, including: • Create an extensive teaching dossier (next year this will be entirely online), including statements of teaching philosophy, reflections on teaching, evidence of teaching […]
Thanks Dr. Eich!
Special thanks to Dr. Eich and for everyone who came out to the last Instructor Network Lunch’n’Learn. Over 50 people attended — thanks to everyone for joining us for this stimulating session! Here is a link to Dr. Eich’s summary paper on the cognitive science of learning enhancement. He also has generously agreed to share his slides […]