SoTL Events in February
The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education is holding two SoTL events in February: You can see a poster for both events below:
Funding Opportunity: SoTL Linkage Grant
Many educational leadership faculty engage in or contribute to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in their practice. Recently, the Provost and Vice President Academic (VPA) UBC Vancouver, and the Vice President of Research and Innovation (VPRI) UBC Vancouver, together with the Institute for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISoTL) have put together […]
April 2022 Newsletter
Quote: To teach in a manner that respects and cares for the souls of our students is essential if we are to provide the necessary conditions where learning can most deeply and intimately begin. Bell Hooks Dear Educational Leadership stream faculty, In This Update: 1. ELNET Announcements ELNET Mentorship Program Reminder ELNET facilitates mentorship for […]
January 2022 Newsletter
Quote: Education creates the voice through which human rights can be claimed and protected. Universal Declaration of Human Rights Dear Educational Leadership stream faculty, In This Update: ELNET Announcements Call for a Co-Chair ELNET is calling for a co-chair from either campus. This is a great opportunity to build connections across both campuses and to […]
April 2021 Newsletter
Dear Educational Leadership stream faculty, In This Update: ELNET Announcements EL Work Equity Survey Faculty members in the Educational Leadership (EL) rank will be invited to participate in a survey beginning April 26 and ending May 14. This survey is positioned in the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion initiatives from the UBC President’s Office. Led by […]
December 2020 Newsletter
“If you are a leader, do everything you can to grow yourself and create the right environment for others to grow” John C. Maxwell Dear Educational Leadership stream faculty, Congratulations for surviving an unprecedented term! While remote teaching will continue into Term 2 for most of us, I hope you will have some restful time […]
September 2020 Newsletter
This newsletter was sent: September 2020 About ELNet The UBC Educational Leadership Network (ELNet) is an informal group committed to supporting EL faculty members, sharing information, and celebrating EL work. Please feel free to reach out to us for information about activities, events, and mentoring! Message from co-chairs + Mandate and Vision This year, ELNet […]
Event: In Discussion with Dr. Christina Hendricks and Dr. Peter Newbury
July 2020 The workshop with Dr. Christina Hendricks, CTLT and Dr. Peter Newbury, CTL will focus on Educational Leadership (EL). The discussion will explore how COVID-19 has impacted the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) and experienced remarkable shifts. For instance, this has required modified pedagogical approaches, alternate delivery formats and use of technology, to […]