Report on Inclusive Excellence in Educational Leadership
The Report on Inclusive Excellence in Educational Leadership presents the results of a survey conducted between April and May 2021. The mandate of the survey was to gain a greater understanding of roles and responsibilities of faculty in this rank (section A of the survey), to identify systemic supports and systemic barriers impacting career progression […]
Event: ELNET’s 2nd Annual Marketplace Event: “Love it or Lose it” – Ideas to keep in your teaching practice and ones to let go
Come join us at ELNet’s 2nd annual marketplace; meet colleagues and share your experiences! This past year has launched UBC faculty into emergency remote instruction. This presented both challenges and opportunities to test technologies and approaches for online and interactive learning. All faculty members have tried many new methods to enhance teaching during our online […]
Event: Career Progression Panel and Q&A
Tuesday, February 23rd 2021 12:00-1:30pm This event is intended to help educational leadership stream faculty gain insight into the process of career progression, including developing a thorough and concise dossier for promotion purposes. Panel Presentations from: Simon Albon (Pharmaceutical Sciences UBCV), Peter Arthur (Education UBCO), Diana Carter (Creative and Critical Studies UBCO), Sunita Chowrira (Botany […]
ELNet Teaching Dossier and CV Event
This workshop is intended to help instructor/educational leadership stream faculty gain insight into the process of developing a thorough and concise teaching dossier and CV for promotion purposes. Date: Monday, December 2, 2019 Time: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Location: UBCV & UBCO Campuses (Rooms TBA) RSVP: We will run parallel events on the […]
Sharing Ideas, Tips, and Strategies for Preparing EL CVs and Dossiers
Over the last couple of months we have drafted a collection of strategies and ideas that various EL faculty have used when creating their CVs and Dossiers, including their dossier Tables of Contents. The purpose of this document is two-fold: to share wisdom and ideas among EL faculty members, and to offer to the Senior […]
Preparing your Dossier Panel & Workshop
Professional Development Event ~ Preparing Your Tenure & Promotion Dossier Presented by the Instructor Network Leadership Team (InLET) Thursday April 20, 2017, 9.30-11.30am UBCV Campus Rm 3074 Orchard Commons UBCO Campus Rm SCI 331 Introduction The InLET is very pleased to be offering this workshop to help instructor/educational leadership stream faculty gain insight into the […]
Taking Teaching Beyond Your Classroom
Join us for our first educational leadership event of the 2015-2016 academic year, a panel led discussion, titled “Taking your teaching beyond your classroom: Teaching practice and educational leadership.” This event will take place on Monday, November 30th 2015 from 2:30-4:00 pm in the Dodson Room in the IKBLC. Come and learn more about how […]