Quote: Education creates the voice through which human rights can be claimed and protected.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Dear Educational Leadership stream faculty,
In This Update:
- ELNET Announcements
- Call for a Co-Chair
- Supervising Graduate Students: UBCO Update
- Reminder: ELNET Promotion and Tenure Workshop
- ELNET Mentorship Program Reminder
- PD Resources and Opportunities
- CTLT Events and Resources
- SoTL
- Teaching and Wellbeing Community of Practice: a New Year Get-Together
- SoTL Dissemination Fund (for UBC-V)
ELNET Announcements
Call for a Co-Chair
ELNET is calling for a co-chair from either campus. This is a great opportunity to build connections across both campuses and to support the EL community. The co-chair’s primary responsibilities are:
- Plan and facilitate meetings
- Work with the membership to create an annual plan
- Track and follow up with appropriate people on action items
If you are interested, please email Jannik Eikenaar (jannik.eikenaar@ubc.ca) with a brief statement of interest and brief summary of relevant qualifications.
Supervising Graduate Students: Okanagan campus update
The Okanagan Senate recently approved revisions to the College of Graduate Studies’ policy regarding supervision, making it easier for EL-stream faculty to supervise graduate students. As the revised policy states, “The intent … is to create the opportunity for graduate supervision where appropriate, but not to create an expectation of graduate supervision as part of the role.” Great news!
The updated policy is available here: https://gradstudies.ok.ubc.ca/policies-procedures/supervisors/
Reminder: ELNET Promotion & Tenure workshop
January 27, 2022 @12:00-1:30pm
This event is intended to help educational leadership stream faculty gain insight into the process of career progression, including developing a thorough and concise dossier for promotion purposes. This event is an annual offering.
Panel Presenters:
Suzie Lavallee (Professor of Teaching, Forestry, UBCV)
Richard Plunkett (Associate Professor of Teaching, Biology, UBCO)
Karen Ragoonaden (Professor of Teaching, Education, Univ. of Manitoba)
Mark Schaller (Professor, Psychology, UBCV)
Jonathan Verrett (Associate Professor of Teaching, Chemical and Biological Engineering, UBCV)
Jay Wickenden (Associate Professor of Teaching, Chemistry, UBCV)
Please RSVP before Friday, January 21, 2022 at 9am to attend. All are welcome!
Organized by: Zoë Soon; Saori Hoshi and Nina Hewitt, on behalf of the ELNET team!
ELNET Mentorship Program Reminder
ELNET facilitates mentorship for educational leadership faculty, including preparing your dossier for promotion and tenure, helping you prioritize and determine focus of EL activities, and simply making connections with other EL faculty at UBC! If you are interested in being mentored, please send an email to sally.willis-stewart@ubc.ca, luisa.canuto@ubc.ca, or robert.crawford@ubc.ca and we will find a wonderful mentor to match you with.
For more information about ELNET, please visit our website.
PD Resources and Opportunities
CTLT Events and Resources
Evaluating Open Educational Resources (OER) Projects
February 8 | 9:00–10:00 am | Online
Introducing evaluation frameworks, identifying strategies and discussing OER opportunities, this workshop offers guidance to those working on an OER Fund project or incorporating OER into their teaching and learning. Register.
Holding Indigenous Topics with Care in the Classroom
February 8 | 10:30 am–12:00 pm | Online
Through the What I Learned In Class Today project, learn how to intentionally approach Indigenous content and topics in the classroom and how this can create a supportive and positive learning experience for all students. Register.
Classroom Evaluation and Research: Do I Need Ethics Approval?
February 9 | 1:00–2:30 pm | Online
Learn more about what type of classroom inquiry might require Behavioural Research Ethics Board approval, what work can be done without ethics review, and ethical considerations for conducting research and evaluation in the classroom. Register.
Journey into Course Design
February 9 & 16 | 9:00 am–12:00 pm | Online
In this two-part workshop, journey through three stages of course design: reflecting on situational factors, writing learning outcomes and exploring assessment options, and instructional strategies to support learners. Register.
H5P Symposium
February 22 & 23 | 9:00 am–3:00 pm | Online
This multi-day H5P symposium introduces H5P as a free open-source html tool. Learn about its strengths and limitations and explore successful examples of implementation and course integration for various content types. Register.
What Would an Accessible University Look Like? Perspectives of Disabled Instructors at UBC
Learn what accessibility and inclusivity mean to disabled instructors and gain insight into what types of support and resources might be effective in making the university more accessible and inclusive. Watch now.
Teaching and Wellbeing Community of Practice: a New Year Get-Together
As many of us are busy with the shift to teaching online (yet again!), the New Year get-together has been rescheduled to February 1st, 10 to 11 am . In addition to celebrating the start of a new year, Dr. Sally Stewart will share key findings on student and faculty wellbeing from the TEACHERS Project and Learning and Teaching Beyond COVID project. We will then collectively envision how we can support wellbeing through teaching in 2022.
In this meeting, we will:
- Review and reflect on wellbeing recommendations made from the Learning and Teaching Beyond COVID project
- Share and celebrate projects, initiatives and resources in support of teaching of wellbeing from last year
- Share our personal visions on wellbeing and explore how the CoP may support our collective goals in 2022
Please RSVP here.
SoTL Dissemination Fund (UBC-V)
The Office of the Provost and VP Academic offers $20,000 per year to support dissemination of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Funds are managed and adjudicated by the Institute for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISoTL).
The Dissemination Fund supports journal processing feedback, conference registration, travel costs, etc. All full time faculty at UBC-V are eligible to apply.
Deadline: Ongoing. Please see the Fund page for more information.