6 responses to “Event: Career Progression Panel and Q&A”

  1. PeiHsuanSha

    Hello, I cannot open the RSVP link. Can you fix the link in the post or email me at andie.sha@ubc.ca?

  2. ankal

    Fixed! thank you for letting us know!

  3. Sue Murphy

    I can’t open it either! it just asks me to sign in but there is no where to do it – can you help?

  4. Anka

    Hi Sue, I have tested the link and it works for me. Try this link:

    Or, send me an email: anka@chem.ubc.ca

  5. Sue Murphy

    Thanks Anka. Still won’t work for me so I have emailed you.

  6. robin YOung

    Hi there,
    I RSVP’ed before the deadline, but did not receive a link to the event today?

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