ELNet is a teenager now, and in the spirit of growing up, we have archived posts dating from more than a decade ago. However, since some people may still find this information interesting or useful, we have created this page to allow access to this old content. Please be warned:
- Some of the links and media in this part of the site may no longer work; while we have tried to keep things as consistent as possible, a decade is a long time to keep things active.
- We are not currently monitoring posts in this area, so comments may not be replied to in a timely fashion.
- We try not to correct or change these pages, as long as they remain accessible to users.
If you have any questions about archived posts or the archives, contact us.
The ELNet Archives 📖
Upcoming ISWs at CTLT
Hello Instructors! In case you are interested (or know a colleague who could benefit), there’s an Instructional Skills Workshop coming up April 9, 10, and 11. For more details and to register for the April ISW, please click here: http://www.events.ctlt.ubc.ca/events/view/2231 ISWs are also offered in May, July, August and December. More info is available here: http://www.events.ctlt.ubc.ca/series/view/48
Upcoming CTLT Event of Special Interest to Instructors: 3M National Teaching Fellowship Meeting
3M National Teaching Fellowship Meeting On behalf of Carol-Ann Courneya, UBC 3M Council Chair and Simon Bates, CTLT Academic Director, we would like to invite you to the 3M National Teaching Fellowship: Information and Q&A Sesion. Please find the details of an upcoming event here: 3M National Teaching Fellowship April Meeting. The purpose is to provide information and support…
Upcoming Event: What does “Educational Leadership” mean at UBC? Insights from Dr. Simon Bates
What does Educational Leadership mean? What about Teaching Excellence? Innovation in Teaching? These terms are increasingly part of the teaching landscape at UBC, but what do they mean in the context of our careers? Come and hear Dr. Simon Bates, Professor of Teaching, Senior Advisor on Teaching and Learning, and Academic Director of CTLT speak…