
The history of ELNet at UBC is surprisingly long; we’ve been around for a while, although not always called ELNet. This page recognizes all of the hard work of past ELNet chairs, members, and coordinators. A big round of applause for all people who built the history of ELNet!

See our about page for current ELNet members and Terms of Reference.

Some Key Dates in the History of ELNet

  • June 2010: Sunaina Assanand & Catherine Rawn (Psychology) met with Sally Hermansen (Assistant Dean of Student Services in the Faculty of Arts) to  discuss the possibility of connecting with other instructor stream faculty. Sally supported the idea and away we went! An initial search of the UBC database suggested there were about 80 instructor-track faculty across campus. We limited our first invitation to the Faculty of Arts, where the numbers were more manageable.
  • July 2010: First meeting for those interested within the Faculty of Arts. Attendees included Sunaina Assanand (Psychology), Christina Hendricks (Philosophy), Catherine Rawn (Psychology), Jackie Rea (Arts Studies in Research and Writing), Allen Sens (Political Science and Acting Assistant Dean of Student Services), and Mike Souza (Psychology). At that meeting we made two key decisions about the network: (1) to bring together all instructors from across campus in both online and face-to-face forums, and (2) a focus on both pedagogy and professional development as teachers, as well as advocacy/education about our faculty stream.
  • June 2011: First face-to-face meeting of our Instructor Network, held in the lovely Lilloet Room in IK Barber Learning Centre. In all, 28 Instructors and Senior Instructors from all across campus came together to discuss their visions for the network, as well as to gain some insight into the Professor of Teaching rank thanks to Allen Sens. Thanks to everyone who came out!
  • September 2014: (Re)visioning Survey and face-to-face Session. Spent remainder of the 2014/2015 academic year creating Terms of Reference, including formalizing positions for the Instructor Network Leadership Team (INLeT)
  • November 2015: Terms of Reference finalized
  • Summer 2016: Terms of Reference updated

EL@10: An impact evaluation of 10 years of the Educational Leadership stream at UBC

In 2024, Dr Simon Bates (Vice-Provost, Teaching and Learning) led a team which conducted a systematic review of the educational leadership stream after 10 years. They identified that:

“The EL stream saw significant growth in faculty appointments over the last decade, from around 200 in 2012 to nearly 350 in 2023. Most of the growth occurred in Faculties with low numbers of EL faculty in 2012, representing a diversification of roles within Faculties and units. A majority of EL faculty identify as female (58%), and this proportion is substantially greater than in the research stream (41%).

The evaluation of perspectives from the stakeholders consulted through the various methods used in this work highlighted that the EL stream has positively influenced teaching quality, curriculum innovation, and the broader student experience. Faculty feedback consistently supported the view that EL roles contributed significantly to educational enhancement at UBC. Despite this positive impact, there remains a perception of disparity in the esteem and value accorded to EL roles compared to research roles. This perception aligns with findings from similar studies in other academic contexts, suggesting a need for ongoing efforts to elevate the recognition of teaching-focused roles in academia.”

Read more about the report, the findings, and their recommendations in their full report, which can be found on the Vice-Provost’s website.

Past ELNet Steering Committees


Co – Chairs

  • Jannik Haruo Eikenaar (Assistant Professor of Teaching and EDI Advisor, School of Engineering; Joint Faculties Representative, Okanagan Senate, UBC-O, jannik.eikenaar@ubc.ca)
  • Silvia Bartolic (Associate Professor of Teaching, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, UBC-V, bartolic@mail.ubc.ca)

Mentorship Coordinators

  • Sally Willis-Stewart (Associate Professor of Teaching, Direct of Nutrition Education Centre, School of Health and Exercise Sciences, Faculty of Health and Social Development, UBC-O, sally.willis-stewart@ubc.ca)
  • Robert Crawford (Associate Professor of Teaching, Department of Political Science and Arts One, Faculty of Arts, UBC-V, robert.crawford@ubc.ca)

Educational Leadership Events Coordinators:

  • Anita Chaudhuri (Assistant Professor of Teaching, English and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies, UBC-O, anita.chaudhuri@ubc.ca)
  • Nina Hewitt, (Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, UBC-V, nina.hewitt@ubc.ca)

Communications and Membership Coordinators

  • Ayaka Yoshimizu (Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of Asian Studies and UBC-Ritsumeikan Academic Exchange Program, Faculty of Arts, UBC-V, ayaka.yoshimitzu@ubc.ca)
  • Anka Lekhi (Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of Chemistry and UBC Vantage College, Faculty of Science, UBC-V, anka@chem.ubc.ca)

Professional Development Coordinators:

  • Andrea Webb (Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy, Faculty of Education, UBC-V, andrea.webb@ubc.ca)
  • Reginald D’Silva, (Associate Professor of Teaching, Department of Language and Literacy Education, Faculty of Education, UBC-V, reginald.dsilva@ubc.ca)
  • Zoë Soon, (Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of Biology, IKB Faculty Science, UBC-O, ZoeAnne.Soon@ubc.ca)

Members at Large

  • Siobhan McPhee (Associate Professor of Teaching, Department of Geography and UBC Vantage College, Faculty of Arts, Member-at-Large UBC Faculty Association, UBC-V, siobhan.mcphee@geog.ubc.ca)
  • Saori Hoshi (Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of Japanese Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, UBC-V, saori.hoshi@ubc.ca


  • Chair: 2015/2016 Catherine Rawn (Senior Instructor, Department of Psychology, cdrawn@psych.ubc.ca)
  • Deputy Chair, Faculty Association and Faculty Relations Liaison: 2015/2016 Joanne Fox (Principal and Academic Director, UBC Vantage College; Senior Instructor, Michael Smith Laboratories and Department of Microbiology and Immunology, joanne.fox@ubc.ca), and to be filled
  • Mentorship Coordinator: 2015/2016 Allen Sens (Professor of Teaching, Department of Political Science, asens@politics.ubc.ca) and Silvia Bartolic(Instructor, Department of Sociology, bartolic@mail.ubc.ca)
  • Educational Leadership Events Coordinator: 2015/2016 Kerry Greer (Instructor-I, Department of Sociology, Kerry.greer@ubc.ca) and Sunaina Assanand (Associate Dean – Student Success, Faculty of Arts; Senior Instructor, Department of Psychology, sunaina.assanand@ubc.ca)
  • Communications and Membership Coordinator: 2015/2016 Jaclyn Rea (Chair, UBC Vantage College Arts Program; Senior Instructor, Arts Studies in Research and Writing, jackie.rea@ubc.ca) and Kathryn Gretsinger (Senior Instructor, Graduate School of Journalism, kathryn.gretsinger@ubc.ca)
  • Internal and External Professional Development Liaison: 2015/2016 Christina Hendricks (Senior Instructor, Department of Philosophy, c.hendricks@ubc.ca) and to be filled
  • Representative from UBC Okanagan Campus: 2015/2016 Diana Carter(Instructor, Department of Critical Studies, Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies, diana.carter@ubc.ca), and Sally Willis-Stewart (Senior Instructor, Undergraduate Coordinator, Director Nutrition Education Centre, School of Health and Exercise Sciences, sally.willis-stewart@ubc.ca)


  • Sunaina Assanand, Instructor-1, Psychology
  • Joanne Fox, Senior Instructor, Michael Smith Labs and Microbiology and Immunology
  • Christina Hendricks, Senior Instructor, Philosophy (on sabbatical 2012-2013)
  • Sally Hermansen, Senior Instructor, Geography
  • Susan Nesbit, Senior Instructor, Civil Engineering
  • Catherine Rawn, Instructor-1, Psychology
  • Jackie Rea, Instructor-1, Arts Studies in Research and Writing
  • Allen Sens, Senior Instructor, Political Science